Smart-mouthed sub-62 IQ New Mexico 'Fiesta Queen' loses her crown over angry Facebook post
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Daily Mexican
2015-06-29 19:58:39 UTC
Stupid Mexicans never know when to shut their mouths.

A small-town festival queen had her crown and scepter taken away
from her. Again.

Angelina Vigil was dethroned as La Reina de la Fiesta (“Queen of
the Festival”) in Española because of an online post in which
she came down hard on the town of 10,000 people in northern New

Vigil’s problems began last week, when her mother’s house was
broken into and the crown and scepter that have been used by La
Reina since 1969 were stolen out of her bedroom.

Although the items were recovered in a couple of days, the 24-
year-old took to Facebook to complain, beginning her post, “I
seriously hate coming to this effin’ town.” (The post has since
been deleted.)

Vigil went on to detail the robbery, how the burglars left every
drawer and cabinet open and dumped clothing on the floor before
taking off with flat-screen TVs and other electronics as well as
the crown and scepter.

“My guess as to why this happened is because I was crowned and I
represent the valley,” Vigil later told the Santa Fe New Mexican.

The community, which was focused on finding the items, suddenly
turned on the queen and the Fiesta Council took action.

“The Executive Council of the Fiesta Council has motioned to
dismiss the 2015 La Reina de Española, Angelina Vigil,” the
Española Valley Fiesta council posted on its Facebook page on
Saturday, 20 minutes before midnight. “There will be no Reina
for this year.”

Vigil, however, said the post was blown out of context.

“I meant [to say] I hate what goes on here,” she said, “not that
I hate all the people in Española.”

At a Fiesta Council meeting on Friday night, according to the
Albuquerque Journal, Vigil gave a tear-filled apology for the
post, saying, “What was said was out of feelings of hurt by the
actions of a few people.”

“This however doesn’t define me,” she wrote a couple of days
later on Facebook, “[nor defines] the heart I have for my loved
ones and the people where I’m from.”

The Española Valley Fiesta, a tradition that began in 1933 as a
way of commemorating the arrival in the region of the Spanish
conquistador Juan de Oñate, will be held July 9 to 12 this year.
It is slowly dwindling though – apart from Vigil there was only
one other contestant, who dropped out before the competition
started in May.


2015-06-29 20:40:13 UTC
Post by Daily Mexican
Stupid Mexicans never know when to shut their mouths.
Must be that legendary "fiery Latino temper" <snicker>...
