More Belfort Instrument Company Digiwx AWOS ASSBURN
(too old to reply)
, "Cryar <tcryar"@higherplane.org
2011-03-03 19:41:19 UTC
Guess who Belfort's president was in the 1990s..... John S. Hoover

Mr. Bruce R. Robinson (Sandia Park, NM) and his company are now
pointing to a newspaper story written by Jacques Kelly titled It's
Belfort - for good measure! Poor Jacques only wrote what somebody told
him... he didn't check his facts! He relied on somebody who had
something to gain at his expense.

The story depicts yet another company president from the 1990s who
talked out his ass like the other company president from year 2001
going forward who boldly, but falsely claimed "The Wright Brothers
Relied on Us" when nothing could be further from the truth!

What is it about Belfort Instruments company presidents (plural) and a
Belfort owner named Bruce R. Robinson who talk out their asses
repeatedly with no definitive historical facts, files or archives to
back up their wild assertions?

For the record Mr. Bruce R. Robinson:

12th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20560

JULIEN PIERRE FRIEZ PAPERS, 1887-1894, 1896-1898

Julien Pierre Friez (1852-1916) was born in France and came to the
United States at the age of 15. He worked with Robert Henning in
Ottawa, Illinois on telegraphy equipment, circa 1868; later he was a
foreman for Ottomar Mergentheler, circa 1880-1890. After leaving
Mergentheler, Friez moved to Baltimore where he set up Belfort
Laboratories and began a manufacture of scientific instruments. He
later acquired an interest in meteorology and did important work on
the design and manufacture of meteorological recording instruments.

Reference: http://www.colby.edu/sts/97guide/sm_nmah.html

The Belfort/Friez weather company was not found in 1876 as reported
on Belfort's company website since Mr. Julian Friez never made it to
Baltimore to set up shop until sometime in the 1890s.


Tom Cryar <***@higherplane.org> wrote:

Here we go again, the Belfort Instrument Company Digiwx Awos NUMB-NUTS
(Bruce R. Robinson and former "hired & fired" president John S.
Hoover) are at it again. They can't get their "crap research" peer-
reviewed nor accepted by any professional meteorological publications,
so now they just post their bull-shit on the company blogspot. The
latest toilet turd is titled: Reproducing Precipitation Gauge
Inconsistencies Using Modern Wind Deflection Methodologies.

It this latest dump (as in toilet dump) of Belfort propaganda,
Robinson Crusoe and Hoover Vacuum cleaners propose the construction of
tapered metal wind deflectors (e.g. Alter Shield) around a
precipiation gauge to reduce collection errors. Note: If Belfort
Instruments is producing anything, it will be full of errors!

Quoting: "In 2008 Belfort Instrument Company started testing a new
metal double alter shield that would be easier to install, self
cleaning, quiet and as effective as the US Climate Reference Network
standard SDFIR."

Have you seen this ringed metal donut that Belfort proposes? Easy to
install --- hardly; doesn't it require a concrete foundation? Self
cleaning --- can I piss on it? Quiet --- what is quiet about metal
deflectors clanking away when the wind blows (that's almost like
saying a tree doesn't make a sound when it falls in the woods unless
somebody is around to hear it). Effective --- now that's a real
Belfort streeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch! They didn't make mention of quality ---
as in "rusted" quality the day after the Belfort warranty expires!

Quoting: "Based on these preliminary test results and subsequent field
studies it is apparent that the use of either the SDFIR or the Belfort
Double Alter shield significantly reduces the differences in snow
catchment efficiency between gauges having different geometries and
inlet diameters at wind velocities over 5 m/s."

It is "apparent" --- it's apparent that the numb-nut authors didn't
use any statistics to validate their feeble observations --- they just
jumped to unfound conclusions in publishing their poppycock! Catchment
--- Belfort's authors need to check their drawers for some CATCHMENT
--- I'll bet they'll find plenty of Digi-SHIT down there!

Neither one of these two buffoons are trained researchers. They don't
know the first thing about the scientific method or designing a
research study. Like all things at Belfort, somebody drew out the
initial plans on a used piece of toilet paper. And then they run to
patent office claiming some uniqueness. What the hell is unique about
this Belfort metal condom that supposedly protects a rain gauge? Just
more smoke and mirrors from a "nobody" and "wannabe" in the
meteorological instrumentation marketplace. Just say I'll pass on this
latest load of Belfort Instruments BULL-SHIT and save yourself the

About Belfort Instrument Company:

Belfort used to be a leading provider of weather instruments to the
government, professional meteorology and aviation markets. Key words:
"use to be." They never provided any wind sensors to the Wright
Brothers despite their fantastic assertion that they did! Historical
archives available at the U.S. Air Force National Museum (1100 Spaatz
Street, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433) tells a very different story
and specifically mentions a "Richards" anemometer which Wilbur Wright
held as pictured at: "http://wings.avkids.com/Book/Wright/
history1_19012.html". The Belfort aerovane wind system on U.S. Naval
aircraft carriers are currently being replaced with ultrasonic wind
sensors from QPI (11207 Single Oak Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407)
which just won a $94 million dollar contract for the Moriah Wind
System. Belfort wind speed and direction anemometers found on the ASOS
platform are now beingreplaced with ultrasonic sensors from the
Vaisala Group. Belfort Instruments Model 6000 visibility sensor will
no longer be a part of the U.S. Air Force's OS-21/FSB program come
early 2007. And despite a $500,000 U.S. government grant from NASA's
Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) program in 2004 to build a
low-cost ceilometer, Belfort didn't possess the technical smarts nor
the engineering know-how to accomplish the task. So now they're
importing the Eliasson CBME 80A laser ceilometer from Muir Matheson.
As one can readily see, Belfort is no longer setting any standards of
measurement in the weather instrumentation world. And now Belfort is
propagating lie after lie about their fabled company history while
trying to steal thunder from the accomplishments of the Wright
Brothers. According to the National Museum of American History (12th
Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20560), Belfort
founder Julian Friez never made it to Baltimore to set up shop until
sometime in the 1890s even though Belfort officials fradulently claim
the company was founded in 1876. Thus, there was no 125th anniversary
for Belfort to celebrate in 2001 even though they hosted a party to
which no one came! Belfort's proclamation that it is the "Oldest
Weather Company in the World" is simply yet another Belfort lie as
Thomas Romney Robinson invented the first wind anemometer in 1846, six
years before Julian Friez was born in 1852. Belfort doesn't even know
it's own company history so they just make it up! You should wonder
what other crap (eg. Digiwx AWOS) they also make up! For more
information about Belfort Instrument and DigiWx, visit dogsh*t.com
brian whatcott
2011-03-13 16:59:18 UTC
Post by , "Cryar <tcryar"@higherplane.org
Guess who Belfort's president was
You would think that this many years after Belfort fired him,
Mark A Kukucka would have given up on "punishing" them. But no - he's
about as batty as an old worn out traveling salesman can get.

Brian W
