Radioactive material keeps getting stolen from nuclear lab, feds say
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Leroy N. Soetoro
2015-11-04 19:00:40 UTC

Federal officials say workers have stolen radioactive materials from Los
Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico multiple times this year.

The Albuquerque Journal reported Friday that the items were taken from an
area that stores contaminated materials before they're shipped elsewhere.
A federal court filing says there have been 76 thefts by Los Alamos
personnel in 2015.

An affidavit says lab officials contacted federal investigators on Sept.
30 to say a subcontractor's employee had stolen items.

The day before, police responded to a call about a man throwing materials
into bushes near the lab. Officers found several radioactive items,
including a band saw that tested 500 times above the allowable limit for

A Los Alamos spokesman referred questions to the FBI, which didn't respond
to a request for comment.
Obama increased total debt from $10 trillion to $19 trillion in the six
years he has been in office, and sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

Barack Obama, reelected by the dumbest voters in the history of the United
States of America. The only American president to deliberately import a
lethal infectious disease from Africa, Ebola.

Loretta Fuddy, killed after she "verified" Obama's phony birth

Nancy Pelosi, Democrat criminal, accessory before and after the fact to
improper vetting of Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, a confirmed
felon using SSAN 042-68-4425, belonging to a dead man.

Obama ignored the brutal killing of an American diplomat in Benghazi, then
relieved American military officers who attempted to prevent said murder
in order to cover up his own ineptitude.

Obama continues his muslim goal of disarming America while ObamaCare
increases insurance premiums 300% and leaves millions without health care.

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Just Wondering
2015-11-04 23:06:34 UTC
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Federal officials say workers have stolen radioactive materials from Los
Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico multiple times this year.
The Albuquerque Journal reported Friday that the items were taken from an
area that stores contaminated materials before they're shipped elsewhere.
A federal court filing says there have been 76 thefts by Los Alamos
personnel in 2015.
An affidavit says lab officials contacted federal investigators on Sept.
30 to say a subcontractor's employee had stolen items.
The day before, police responded to a call about a man throwing materials
into bushes near the lab. Officers found several radioactive items,
including a band saw that tested 500 times above the allowable limit for
A Los Alamos spokesman referred questions to the FBI, which didn't respond
to a request for comment.
Yep, no doubt about it, this story shows why we need to get us some more
of them there gun control laws.
