Albuquerque cops murder mentally ill man.
(too old to reply)
Keith Olbermann
2014-03-26 04:52:04 UTC
The illegal camper shot by Albuquerque police this week was
turning away from officers when they fired at him, according to
video released by Chief Gorden Eden on Friday.

The shots come after a confrontation in which the man,
identified as 38-year-old James Boyd, tells police he’s going to
walk down the mountain with them.

“Don’t change up the agreement,” Boyd says. “I’m going to try to
walk with you.”

He tells officers he’s not a murderer.

Boyd picks up his belongings and appears ready to walk down
toward officers. An officer fires a flash-bang device, which
disorients Boyd.

Boyd appears to pull out knives in both hands as an officer with
a dog approaches him. He makes a threatening motion toward the
officer, then starts to turn around away from police.

That’s when shots ring out, and Boyd hits the ground. Blood can
be seen on the rocks behind him.

1 p.m.

Albuquerque Police Chief Gorden Eden said officers were
justified in shooting a man they said was illegally camping in
the Sandia foothills Sunday night because the man made a
“threatening” move towards officers.

But significant questions remain, including what killed the man.

An APD spokeswoman cut the news conference short, and Eden
walked out while reporters were still asking questions. He did
take a question during a brief interview with the Journal after
the news conference.

At least one live round hit the man, but the Office of the
Medical Investigator has not determined what killed the man,
Eden said.

Eden said officers decided to use less-than-lethal force,
including bean bag rounds, because the man picked up his
backpack and said he was coming off the mountain.

Officers appeared to have the man surrounded, but Eden said they
couldn’t wait him out because they couldn’t keep him contained
within the perimeter due to the difficulty of the terrain.

Eden identified the man as James Boyd, 38. A 2008 police report
released by Eden listed Boyd’s address as the county jail.

Eden said Boyd had a history of violence against law enforcement.

Below is a summary of Eden’s comments, as he made them.

– Chief Eden said APD has interviewed 40 witnesses so far, and
that the suspect was sleeping as officers approached.

– The chief showed a video of the incident. It shows officers
telling the man to show his hands. They demand repeatedly: “Put
the knife down!”

– In the video, Boyd tells officers he’s been trying to contact
APD for months. He talks almost non-stop. Officers keep their
guns trained on him.

– Chief Eden said the suspect continued to rant after a crisis-
intervention officer arrived. The suspect tells officers he’s an
agent of the Department of Defense.

– Officers appear to fire less-than-lethal rounds, after which
the man drops to ground with the knife still in his hand. They
also fired live-rounds, but it’s not clear from the video which
shots were live and which weren’t.

– The chief said the suspect is 38 years old and that he refused
to follow directions.

– Chief Eden said the man was hit by a live round, but did not
say that’s what killed him.

– Eden said the man made a threatening move toward an officer,
and that’s what triggered the shooting. The shooting was
justified, Eden said.

– Two officers fired shots, the chief says.

– A public information officer announces that the news
conference is over. Eden continues taking a few questions before
finally walking out as a Journal reporter continues to ask

2014-03-26 06:25:08 UTC
Post by Keith Olbermann
The illegal camper shot by Albuquerque police this week was
turning away from officers when they fired at him, according to
video released by Chief Gorden Eden on Friday.
– The chief said the suspect is 38 years old and that he refused
to follow directions.
Well, not following directions seems like a reasonable reason for police
to kill a suspect. I believe these rules of engagement have worked quite
well in GOPer's 'hood where they have a long and positive history.
2014-03-26 08:03:11 UTC
Post by benj
Post by Keith Olbermann
The illegal camper shot by Albuquerque police this week was
turning away from officers when they fired at him, according to
video released by Chief Gorden Eden on Friday.
– The chief said the suspect is 38 years old and that he refused
to follow directions.
Well, not following directions seems like a reasonable reason for police
to kill a suspect. I believe these rules of engagement have worked quite
well in GOPer's 'hood where they have a long and positive history.
FWIMBW, IMO this needs an independent inquiry.

On the face of it, a man with a history of slashing faces with box
knives and breaking policewomen's noses,"lunging" at an officer
with a knife in each hand is a compelling narrative.

OTOH why the flash bang when the guy was gathering his possessions and

Why the mix of lethal and non lethal rounds?

Why the yelling and screaming of orders at a mortally wounded
disorientated, dying man who says he can't move?

And, most disturbingly, what's with the "Do it!" @ 00.51 followed by
the flash bang and "Booyah" @ 1.02 as Boyd falls to the ground

2014-03-26 17:17:42 UTC
Post by GOP_Decline_and_Fall
FWIMBW, IMO this needs an independent inquiry.
Sheila, I think it's time to chronicle what your game plan is out here.

1.) You're a paid DNC hack troll.

2.) Your mission statement is to enter various threads and then ignite
heated debate.

3.) Your tactic is to at first argue topically, but then locate a point
which is unsupportable.

4.) Having identified said point you are charged to see if by supporting
it you can anger conservative posters.

5.) If this succeeds, you are charged to argue ad absurdism until said
conservative posters curse you out for your evident and endless stupidity.

6.) At that point you are charged with demonizing your detractors for
their anger and painting them as representative of Republicans at large.

7.) When the topic becomes too lengthy or the insults dominate, you are
charged with slinking away for a time, even weeks, before returning to
ignite another shit-storm with your support of the unsupportable.

That is who and what you are Sheila, and it is the reason you went to
lengths of absurdity heretofore unseen in trying to maintain that a TV
has no moving parts.

Your mission is now identified for all and thereby corrupted.

What will your DNC handlers task you with next?
2014-03-27 20:14:58 UTC
Post by GOP_Decline_and_Fall
FWIMBW, IMO this needs an independent inquiry.
Sheila, I think it's time to chronicle what your game plan is out here.

1.) You're a paid DNC hack troll.

2.) Your mission statement is to enter various threads and then ignite
heated debate.

3.) Your tactic is to at first argue topically, but then locate a point
which is unsupportable.

4.) Having identified said point you are charged to see if by supporting
it you can anger conservative posters.

5.) If this succeeds, you are charged to argue ad absurdism until said
conservative posters curse you out for your evident and endless stupidity.

6.) At that point you are charged with demonizing your detractors for
their anger and painting them as representative of Republicans at large.

7.) When the topic becomes too lengthy or the insults dominate, you are
charged with slinking away for a time, even weeks, before returning to
ignite another shit-storm with your support of the unsupportable.

That is who and what you are Sheila, and it is the reason you went to
lengths of absurdity heretofore unseen in trying to maintain that a TV
has no moving parts.

Your mission is now identified for all and thereby corrupted.

What will your DNC handlers task you with next?

2014-03-26 15:47:36 UTC
Post by benj
Post by Keith Olbermann
The illegal camper shot by Albuquerque police this week was
turning away from officers when they fired at him, according to
video released by Chief Gorden Eden on Friday.
– The chief said the suspect is 38 years old and that he refused
to follow directions.
Well, not following directions seems like a reasonable reason for police
to kill a suspect. I believe these rules of engagement have worked quite
well in GOPer's 'hood where they have a long and positive history.
Why wait for people to NOT follow instruction to shoot, it would save
time and they can get back to filing paperwork faster if they just shoot
the suspect when they first arrive on scene....