Liberal Ninth Circus Court Is Overturned in Recent Years 80% of Time
(too old to reply)
2017-02-18 08:52:36 UTC
The Ninth Circuit Court ruled against President Trump and
continued to block his travel ban on Thursday.

The Ninth Circuit is the most liberal court in the country — and
is the most reversed court in the country.

The 9th Circuit Court has been overturned 80% of the time.

National Review reported:

Although recent years have seen other circuits competing with
the Ninth Circuit for the title of “Most Reversed,” the Ninth
still appears to hold the unquestioned title. The Ninth
Circuit’s best showing in recent years was October Term 2009,
with a 60 percent reversal rate in the 15 cases on which
certiorari was granted. The Sixth Circuit got the prize for
highest reversal rate that year, with seven cases resulting in
seven reversals, while the Seven Circuit came in a close second
(91 percent reversal rate in eleven cases).

But in 2010, perhaps seeking to reclaim its position at the top
of the heap, the Ninth Circuit was reversed a startling 19 times
(79 percent), three times as many reversals as most circuits had
cases before the Supreme Court. The same pattern continued in
the 2011 (71 percent) and 2012 terms (86 percent), when the
Ninth Circuit was reversed more than twice as many times as most
circuits had cases before the Court.

Attorney and author Mike Cernovich weighed in on the ruling:

Mike Cernovich ???? ? @Cernovich
Judicial activism! The President has near plenary power over
foreign affairs. Today's Ninth Circuit ruling is politics by
judicial fiat.
3:18 PM - 9 Feb 2017
985 985 Retweets 1,850 1,850 likes


Mike Cernovich ???? ? @Cernovich
That the President has power over foreign affairs (including who
enters U.S.) is not up for debate. It's The Law.
30_No1_Ramseyonline.pdf …
4:09 PM - 9 Feb 2017
1,623 1,623 Retweets 2,289 2,289 likes


Mike Cernovich ????Verified account

This is what Democrats want for our children. This is the end
result of open borders. This is America's future unless we fight.

2017-02-18 09:37:02 UTC
Post by toby
The 9th Circuit Court has been overturned 80% of the time
Misleading statistic.

Only one-tenth of one percent of the 9th circuit's decisions are ever
reviewed by SCOTUS.

The Supreme Court neither reviewed nor overturned eighty percent of
Ninth Circuit Court's decisions... but don't let a good yarn be ruined
by facts.
Days Without President Twitler Being a National Embarrassment: 0
2017-02-18 10:32:26 UTC
Post by toby
The Ninth Circuit Court ruled against President Trump and
continued to block his travel ban on Thursday.
The Ninth Circuit is the most liberal court in the country — and
is the most reversed court in the country.
The 9th Circuit Court has been overturned 80% of the time.
Although recent years have seen other circuits competing with
the Ninth Circuit for the title of “Most Reversed,” the Ninth
still appears to hold the unquestioned title. The Ninth
Circuit’s best showing in recent years was October Term 2009,
with a 60 percent reversal rate in the 15 cases on which
certiorari was granted. The Sixth Circuit got the prize for
highest reversal rate that year, with seven cases resulting in
seven reversals, while the Seven Circuit came in a close second
(91 percent reversal rate in eleven cases).
But in 2010, perhaps seeking to reclaim its position at the top
of the heap, the Ninth Circuit was reversed a startling 19 times
(79 percent), three times as many reversals as most circuits had
cases before the Supreme Court. The same pattern continued in
the 2011 (71 percent) and 2012 terms (86 percent), when the
Ninth Circuit was reversed more than twice as many times as most
circuits had cases before the Court.
Judicial activism! The President has near plenary power over
foreign affairs. Today's Ninth Circuit ruling is politics by
judicial fiat.
3:18 PM - 9 Feb 2017
985 985 Retweets 1,850 1,850 likes
That the President has power over foreign affairs (including who
enters U.S.) is not up for debate. It's The Law.
30_No1_Ramseyonline.pdf …
4:09 PM - 9 Feb 2017
1,623 1,623 Retweets 2,289 2,289 likes
Mike Cernovich ????Verified account
And you posted this off-topic article here because?
The liberal media's agenda is to make Trump as hated and distrusted as
they are.