Mummified body of broke Chicana author found in "filthy disgusting" New Mexico home
(too old to reply)
Leroy N. Soetoro
2013-05-20 04:37:14 UTC
Note to liberals: Pro-illegal american liberals die in poverty.


SANTA FE, N.M. – A 70-year-old woman whose mummified body was recently
found in her Santa Fe apartment was identified as a Chicana activist,
teacher and author.

Santa Fe police said the decomposed remains of Barbara Salinas-Norman were
discovered last week and authorities say she may have been dead for more
than a year.

The Santa Fe New Mexican reports that Salinas-Norman founded and ran a
publishing company called Pinata Publications in the office of her then-
husband, Sam Norman, an Oakland lawyer. She began writing, illustrating
and publishing her own books designed to help Mexican American children
identify with their culture. She gave up teaching to write full time in

She was the author of "Los Tres Cerdos: Nacho, Tito and Miguel" — her
version of "The Three Little Pigs." In the book, the third pig, Miguel,
builds a home-made of adobe bricks. The illustrations depict New Mexico-
style furnishings, Indian pottery, kiva fireplaces, vigas and retablos.

She also was a bilingual teacher in the Oakland, Calif., public schools in
the 1980s.

Salinas' body was discovered by her brother-in-law, Louis Ponce, who said
Friday that he had become concerned about her because he hadn't heard from
her for a long time. He and his wife, Edna, Salinas' sister, decided to
drive from their home in East Pasadena, Calif., to attend a Cinco de Mayo
celebration at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque. A
niece of Salinas was dancing at the event.

The couple drove to Santa Fe to check on Salinas and found her body lying
in a filthy living room.

"If you saw the apartment, you would never walk inside it," Ponce told The
New Mexican. "I never knew anybody could be that filthy."

Stories from friends and family suggested Salinas' life had been
unraveling for some time. She often slept in her car and washed up in the
bathroom at a local library. The gas and electricity had been turned off
in her condo because she wasn't paying her bills. She ate at soup
kitchens. Her home was in foreclosure.

Salinas earned a bachelor's degree in education from California State
University in Los Angeles and a master's degree in public health education
from the University of California, Berkeley.

She became involved in the Chicano movement during that time and
considered herself a founding mother of MEChA, (Movimiento Estudiantil
Chicano de Aztlan), a student organization promoting higher education
among Chicanos.

Peggy Trujillo, a librarian at the New Mexico State Library who had known
Salinas since about 2009, said Salinas often came there to try to sort out
matters related to her condo and other personal business.

She brought crates containing papers scattered with excrement from mice.

She told Trujillo that she was being threatened with eviction.

Salinas was very fond of the movie "Eat Pray Love," Trujillo said.

"She was so passionate about the movie," Trujillo said. "That was her
dream story."
Barack Obama, reelected by the dumbest voters in the history of the United
States of America.

Eric Holder, racist black murdering United States Attorney General, still
has his job.

Nancy Pelosi, Democrat criminal, accessory before and after the fact to
improper vetting of Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, a confirmed
felon using SSAN 042-68-4425, belonging to a dead man.

Obama ignored the brutal killing of an American diplomat in Benghazi, then
relieved American military officers who attempted to prevent said murder
in order to cover up his own ineptness.

Obama continues his goal of disarming America while ObamaCare increases
insurance premiums 200% and leaves millions without health care.

Obama helped bankrupt Illinois. Democrat run Chicago closes 54 public

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2013-05-20 22:18:31 UTC
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Note to liberals: Pro-illegal american liberals die in poverty.
SANTA FE, N.M. – A 70-year-old woman whose mummified body was recently
found in her Santa Fe apartment was identified as a Chicana activist,
teacher and author.
Santa Fe police said the decomposed remains of Barbara Salinas-Norman were
discovered last week and authorities say she may have been dead for more
than a year.
The Santa Fe New Mexican reports that Salinas-Norman founded and ran a
publishing company called Pinata Publications in the office of her then-
husband, Sam Norman, an Oakland lawyer. She began writing, illustrating
and publishing her own books designed to help Mexican American children
identify with their culture. She gave up teaching to write full time in
She was the author of "Los Tres Cerdos: Nacho, Tito and Miguel" — her
version of "The Three Little Pigs." In the book, the third pig, Miguel,
builds a home-made of adobe bricks. The illustrations depict New Mexico-
style furnishings, Indian pottery, kiva fireplaces, vigas and retablos.
She also was a bilingual teacher in the Oakland, Calif., public schools in
the 1980s.
Salinas' body was discovered by her brother-in-law, Louis Ponce, who said
Friday that he had become concerned about her because he hadn't heard from
her for a long time. He and his wife, Edna, Salinas' sister, decided to
drive from their home in East Pasadena, Calif., to attend a Cinco de Mayo
celebration at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque. A
niece of Salinas was dancing at the event.
The couple drove to Santa Fe to check on Salinas and found her body lying
in a filthy living room.
"If you saw the apartment, you would never walk inside it," Ponce told The
New Mexican. "I never knew anybody could be that filthy."
Stories from friends and family suggested Salinas' life had been
unraveling for some time. She often slept in her car and washed up in the
bathroom at a local library. The gas and electricity had been turned off
in her condo because she wasn't paying her bills. She ate at soup
kitchens. Her home was in foreclosure.
Salinas earned a bachelor's degree in education from California State
University in Los Angeles and a master's degree in public health education
from the University of California, Berkeley.
She became involved in the Chicano movement during that time and
considered herself a founding mother of MEChA, (Movimiento Estudiantil
Chicano de Aztlan), a student organization promoting higher education
among Chicanos.
Peggy Trujillo, a librarian at the New Mexico State Library who had known
Salinas since about 2009, said Salinas often came there to try to sort out
matters related to her condo and other personal business.
She brought crates containing papers scattered with excrement from mice.
She told Trujillo that she was being threatened with eviction.
Salinas was very fond of the movie "Eat Pray Love," Trujillo said.
"She was so passionate about the movie," Trujillo said. "That was her
dream story."
Are not there urbexers?

