U of New Mexico investigating 'who violated the law' after violent protestors interrupted Tomi Lahren speech
(too old to reply)
Leroy N. Soetoro
2022-09-18 19:09:45 UTC

Lahren praised law enforcement for getting her out safely

The University of New Mexico told Fox News Digital there is an
investigation ongoing to see "who violated the law" after Fox News
contributor Tomi Lahren was escorted to safety Thursday night when angry
protestors shut down her speech on the Albuquerque campus.

"I would not have gotten out of there last night if it wasn’t for New
Mexico State Police and Albuquerque P.D. I would not have gotten out of
there, so I owe them a lot," Lahren told Fox News Digital from an
Albuquerque hotel room.

Lahren, also an Outkick host, is used to being confronted by angry liberal
protestors who attempt to silence her conservative views, calling it
"pretty routine stuff" she encounters frequently when speaking to college
students. It was no different on Thursday when she was set to speak New
Mexico’s Turning Point USA chapter inside a large event space at the
student union. She saw a few signs claiming she was a "White supremacist,"
but thought the presence of campus police would deter any serious


"We were told that they were going to be out in the courtyard, not allowed
into the student union, these counterprotesters or whatever they were. We
were told that they're going to be kept outside," she said.

"I start my speech and you can hear the chants and you can hear the
screaming and the expletives. And again, nobody really thought anything of
it. They're just, you know, fired up. And I didn't really think too much
of it until they started pushing past the officers and banging on the
doors so much that these double doors are visibly moving and shaking and
they are smashing into the windows. And that's when it became incredibly
chaotic," Lahren continued. "Everybody was worried that they were going to
get inside. They were pushing officers in front of the doors and pushing
them out of the way. I mean, attacking them. It started to get very ugly
and very violent, very fast. Of course, we could only see through these
little windows in the front the room we were in, so we couldn't really see
exactly what was going on out there."

Through the tiny window, Lahren said she could see people franticly
banging on the doors.

"At that point, they made the decision that we could probably end the
speech and I needed to get somewhere in case they did break through the
doors, because it started to become apparent that that might be a very
realistic possibility," Lahren said. "So, they escorted me with a couple
of Campus PD officers into the back kitchen of the student union, and we
were just barricaded back there, for lack of a better term, because they
didn't know how to get me out."


Lahren said the police didn’t know how to get the students who were on
hand to listen to her to safety, either.

"After it became apparent that it was going to be, you know, very bad for
me, I couldn't leave. They called in New Mexico State Police. They called
an Albuquerque police, and they called in their emergency response team,
and they had to get me out of there through a loading dock," she said.

Police then drove Lahren and her father around the city to make sure
nobody was following them before dropping them back off at their hotel.
When Lahren was finally settled, she saw people bragging about the ordeal
on social media.

"I see these far left accounts and these Antifa accounts bragging about
what they had done, that they had shut down the event, releasing videos,"
she said. "Everybody had their cell phones out."

Fox News Digital found several messages on social media, including an
account that offered "safety tips" for protestors and said the school
"should be ashamed of themselves" for giving Lahren a platform.


Lahren believes the university should be more concerned with protecting
their students regardless of individual political views.

"The fact that there were students in that room, they were barricaded in
that room. They didn't have the luxury, like I did, of leaving in an
armored emergency response vehicle," Lahren said. "What happened to them?
Now, I'm talking to the organizer, making sure she got home safe, but
those kids that had to leave -- let's remember, they also had to go to
school today with the same classmates wanting to rip them limb from them
last night. That is how bad college campuses have gotten."

She said the students caused mayhem and even pulled fire alarms, but she
doesn’t believe any arrests were made. The University of New Mexico Police
Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The University of New Mexico insists students will be held accountable for
their actions.

"The University of New Mexico is committed to the principles of free
speech and values its role as a public square for debate, a marketplace of
ideas, and a place to test and challenge competing viewpoints and
opinions. In this context, allowing speakers invited by a student
organization on campus in no way implies an endorsement of the content of
their speeches or their opinions. And those who disagree with the ideas
expressed are encouraged to respectfully voice their perspectives,"
University of New Mexico spokesperson Cinnamon Blair told Fox News

"The safety of our campus community and visitors is our first priority. We
are deeply disappointed in the actions of those individuals who
intentionally chose to disrupt a scheduled speaker and infringed upon the
rights of the speaker and those who attended the event to listen and
engage, vandalized University property and unlawfully pulled a fire
alarm," Blair continued. "UNM is investigating these incidents and will
hold anyone who violated the law or University policies accountable.
Additionally, several UNM departments will be meeting to discuss improving
the environment in which a speaker’s right to conduct their scheduled
programming is ensured along with the public’s right to free speech,
especially when our facilities are in use for multiple events at the same

Blair also said the students were able to get safely out of the venue.

Despite the chaotic night, Lahren doesn’t plan on letting the protestors
"win" anytime soon.

"There is not a campus I won't go to. I'm going to keep doing this and
speaking on campus, because you will not shut down free speech. You will
not intimidate speakers and conservative students," Lahren said. "This
happening has actually inspired me to do more campuses, because we cannot
allow them to intimidate us and back us into a corner, into the silence.
That means they win. And I will never let that happen."

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Richard Clayton Wieber
2022-09-18 19:14:23 UTC
The protest was not violent.
