Smart-moufed black Sandra Bland: Who was she, and what happened to her in a Texas jail? She dead now.
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Farm Animal Report
2015-08-18 09:45:19 UTC
Sandra Bland was minutes away from her prospective new workplace
when she was pulled over by police on a rural Texas highway.

Police say she was arrested after being "combative" on the side
of the road, and she was taken to county jail. Three days later,
she was found dead in her cell.

Waller County police arrested Ms. Bland, a young black woman,
last Friday and she was found dead on Monday, but news reports
have begun to surface about her in the past 24 hours. These give
some insight into who she was and what happened during those
three days in jail.

But much still remains unknown. The Federal Bureau of
Investigation and Texas Rangers are investigating the incident.
As of Friday morning, this is the information that has been

Bland was driving down to Waller County to start a new job
working in student outreach at Prairie View A&M University, her
alma mater. She had driven from her home in Naperville, Ill., in
July for a job interview and got the job. Her start date was
supposed to be this past Wednesday, two days after her death,
according to The Root.

Police say they stopped Bland outside the Prairie View campus on
July 10 for failing to signal while changing lanes. According to
police, she became combative during the stop, was arrested, and
was charged with "assault on a public servant."

A cellphone video of the arrest has surfaced online, though
Bland is already on the ground when it starts. "You just slammed
my head into the ground," she can be heard shouting. "Do you not
even care about that? I can't even hear."

How Bland ended up being thrown to the ground is unclear. Renee
McKnight watched the arrest from a barbershop across the street.

"She was telling him to get his so-and-so hands off of her and
jerking away from him," said Ms. McKnight, according to KHOU-TV
in Houston. She then saw Bland end up on the ground, but said
she "couldn't tell if he slammed her down there or it was a
maneuver she did trying to stop him from putting her in the car
that caused her to be put on the ground," McKnight said.

"She was very, very upset," McKnight added. "She wasn't trying
to get in that police car."

Malcolm Jackson, a friend of Bland's who witnessed the arrest,
told ABC7 Chicago that the police were forceful from start to
finish during the traffic stop.

Another of Bland's friends, LaVaughn Mosely, told KHOU that she
called him from jail on Friday night and gave her account of
what happened.

"She was smoking when he pulled her over. Told her to put her
cigarette out, she had an exchange of words, and it just went
downhill. She said he snatched her out of the window and slammed
her on her face," he said.

Mr. Mosely added that Bland was in "good spirits" when she
called on Friday. She reportedly tried to post bail, according
to The Daily Beast, which conducted a brief interview with Joe
Booker, a bail bondsman in Hempstead, Texas.

"I talked to her when she first went to jail,” Mr. Booker told
The Daily Beast on Thursday. “I called her mother for her."

It would have cost $500 to bail out Bland, the site reported. At
7 a.m. on Monday, she was given breakfast, and she asked to make
a phone call. Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith told ABC7 that
officers also interacted with her at 8 a.m. Monday, speaking
with her over the jail intercom. She was found dead an hour

The Waller County Sheriff's Office said Bland was "not breathing
from what appears to be self-inflicted asphyxiation." CPR was
performed immediately, the sheriff's office said, but Bland was
pronounced dead shortly thereafter. The Harris County medical
examiner ruled that Bland's hanging death was a suicide,
according to KHOU.

"It appears she had used a trash bag to hang herself from a
partition in the ceiling, which was used to give inmates
privacy," said Elton Mathis, Waller County district attorney,
according to KHOU. Mr. Mathis also told ABC7: "I do not have any
information that would make me think it was anything other than
just a suicide."

But Bland's friends and family dispute this account, saying that
she would never hurt herself.

Cheryl Nanton, a friend of Bland's, told ABC7: "I do suspect
foul play.... I believe that we are all 100 percent in belief
that she did not do harm to herself."

"We're very suspicious," said Mosely. "We're very upset that
this has happened, and it seems like there's nothing really
being done about it."

LaNitra Dean, described by the station as a longtime friend,
said that Bland "would not have taken her own life."

Ms. Dean told the station that Bland "was a warm, affectionate,
outspoken woman." She added that Bland "was strong – strong
mentally and spiritually."

There are questions about Bland's mental health. She used her
Facebook page as a diary of sorts, posting videos where she
would monologue on a variety of topics – from going natural with
her hair to the "Black Lives Matter" movement. She called the
videos "Sandy Speaks."

In one video posted on March 1, she apologized for not posting
for a while.

"I'm suffering from something that some of you all may be
dealing with right now. It's a little bit of depression, as well
as PTSD," she said in the video. "I've been really stressed out
over these past couple of weeks, but that does not excuse me not
keeping my promise to you all by letting you all know that
somebody cares about you, somebody loves you, and that you can
go out there and do great things."


Posted by Sandra Bland on Sunday, March 1, 2015
The deaths of African-Americans at the hands of law enforcement
became a national issue after a series of high-profile deaths
around the country. One of the incidents involved Freddie Gray,
a Baltimore man who died in April, a week after he was arrested,
from injuries sustained while in police custody.


All blacks are mentally ill.

2015-08-18 15:15:16 UTC
Sandra Bland was minutes away from her prospective new workplace when she
was pulled over by police on a rural Texas highway.
Police say she was arrested after being "combative" on the side of the
road, and she was taken to county jail. Three days later, she was found
dead in her cell.
Bland's family knew she was depressed and not doing well in jail, yet not a
single one would chip in a cent to bail her out. When she committed
suicide--THEN they came down to the jail, wailing and crying. They all knew
damn well they had seen her tired act before. Same reason Trayvon was passed
around...would you want that creep living in your house?
